
Video Surveillance & Security

What is Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS)?

What is Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS)?

by Pat Pharr - June 20, 2023

Video surveillance is a necessary component of any commercial security system.

Research has shown that a traditional camera system alone is enough to help deter criminal activity. But, when paired with more advanced features, these systems become much more effective.

By leveraging the power of video surveillance as a service (VSaaS), businesses across various industries can develop optimized approaches to video surveillance that reduce risk, bring down costs, and give users more control over their security system. 

All this happens through a cloud-based approach to storage and management. Let’s explore VSaaS and learn more about the benefits this kind of technology offers businesses of all sizes.

What is VSaaS?

Video surveillance as a service refers to a comprehensive, managed approach to video surveillance that provides businesses with everything they need to develop robust and scalable commercial security systems that leverage the power of cloud computing. A hosted-cloud-based video surveillance system gives organizations more control over video recording, storage, and management. 

With traditional video surveillance systems, cameras connect to a recording device on-site, like a digital video recorder (DVR) or network video recorder (NVR). These systems require manual access for reviewing and are often expensive to install and maintain due to significant on-premise storage requirements.

VSaaS systems, on the other hand, utilize the power of the cloud to eliminate some of the need for on-site hardware and storage.

How VSaaS Works

With a VSaaS solution, cameras connect directly to a service provider's cloud-based platform over the internet. To give you a clearer picture of how a VSaaS solution works, here is how this type of video surveillance system might operate:

  1. VSaaS providers will install either hard-wired or wireless IP-based security cameras at strategic points across a property.
  2. Security cameras capture footage and directly transmit the information on a continual or trigger-specific basis over the internet.
  3. Cloud-based storage systems accept and securely store the footage from on-site cameras for remote access at any time.
  4. A video management system (VMS) offers users an intuitive platform for remote access and camera management.

Some VSaaS providers may also include additional features like data analysis modules, alert systems, or technical support for software updates and troubleshooting.

Understanding the Benefits of VSaaS

VSaaS systems take physical security and surveillance into the digital age — and they come with plenty of advantages.

With around 91% of business leaders saying physical security incidents will either increase or stay the same in the coming years, the need for these advanced systems is essential to keeping physical campuses safe and secure.

Before making any purchasing decisions, businesses should carefully consider commercial security options and ask the right questions to find the right solution. Let’s explore these key benefits of adopting a VSaaS solution for your security needs.

1. Cost-Effectiveness

With VSaaS systems, businesses only pay for exactly what they need. This mitigates some of the upfront cost risks associated with more traditional security solutions. Moreover, most VSaaS providers offer flexible subscription-based plans that include storage, software updates, maintenance, and technical support.

2. Scalability and Flexibility

Cloud video surveillance systems are easily scalable to meet evolving organizational demands. These solutions can quickly scale up or down depending on factors such as seasonal security needs, budget constraints, or growth, with flexible solutions for adding or removing cameras and varying storage requirements.

3. Enhanced Security Features

VSaaS providers leverage the latest in outdoor and indoor security camera technologies. This could mean offering motion detection, thermal imaging, facial recognition, or intrusion detection features. Moreover, VSaaS providers often utilize strict and secure encryption for data transmission and storage — keeping sensitive information safe.

4. Remote Access and Real-Time Monitoring

One of the hallmark features of a VSaaS solution is remote viewing access. Businesses can access video feeds and recordings from virtually any location, so long as they have access to the internet. This allows for real-time property monitoring.

5. Reduced Need for Onsite Storage and Maintenance

With video data stored on the cloud, the need for on-site storage and server maintenance is essentially non-existent. While camera maintenance will still be needed on occasion, the VSaaS provider will usually handle the majority of technical maintenance, whether for hardware or software components. This could include everything from software updates to on-site troubleshooting.

6. Painless System Integration

In most applications, VSaaS is a component of an integrated and multi-layered security strategy. As such, VSaaS needs to easily integrate with other business security systems. This might include access control, visitor management systems, alarm systems, and business intelligence tools.

7. Reliable Storage and Backup

Since cloud storage systems don’t rely on a single centralized location, storage is much more reliable. In most cases, cloud servers operate with multiple redundancies across several locations. This not only helps mitigate the risks of data breaches but can also ensure that data is safe, secure, and recoverable in the event of a disaster.

8. Access to Advanced Analytics

VSaaS solutions are much more than a system of cloud-based static cameras capturing video. With advanced data analytics tools, VSaaS can provide insights into traffic patterns, crowd behavior, and much more. Combined with data from other systems, a VSaaS system can help businesses make more informed decisions about security operations.

Why Business Leaders Should Consider VSaaS 

Video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) pairs the latest in cloud computing and storage with advanced camera options, analytics, and real-time management. From offering advanced security options for banking institutions to keeping track of educational campuses, VSaaS offers businesses across many industries a cost-effective solution for commercial security. 

Businesses considering VSaaS should partner with an experienced security provider. With robust VSaaS, your team can effectively manage remote video surveillance and gain a local partner committed to helping you overcome your physical security challenges.

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