
Managed IT

6 Steps to Protect Your Business From Malware

6 Steps to Protect Your Business From Malware

by Brad Ancell - August 11, 2022

Unfortunately, having antivirus software is no longer enough to protect essential business infrastructure from malware. Not even the latest Next-Gen Antivirus programs are enough to protect businesses by themselves.

Securing infrastructure today requires a layered security approach that covers vulnerabilities in software and hardware as well as the psychological vulnerabilities of human employees.

Here is a six-step security checklist you can use to ensure your business is protected from malware.

1. Cybersecurity Training and Awareness

Employees are often a primary target for malicious attackers looking to gain access to mission-critical business systems. Regularly training employees on how to avoid phishing attacks and enforcing best security practices, including effective password management and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies, plays a vital role in mitigating cybersecurity risks.

2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a secondary layer of login protection that requires additional verification from another device before an account is accessed. Enabling MFA on all applicable accounts reduces the likelihood of credentials becoming compromised and prevents intruders from gaining access to critical systems.

3. Firewalls

Establishing firewall protection across your entire business network helps to detect and block malware before it enters and spreads into your business systems. Firewalls are designed as active security monitoring solutions and are the first line of defense when defending against security threats.

4. Regular Software Patches

Keeping your software and firmware up-to-date is one of the most effective ways to avoid malware attacks, most commonly found in zero-day exploits and ransomware. This includes securing networked devices, including multifunction printers, copiers, and scanners.

>> Discover the top 5 risks of using outdated technology. 

5. Next-Gen Antivirus (NGAV)

Next-generation antivirus (NGAV) is a more advanced form of antimalware protection that goes beyond traditional cybersecurity techniques. NGAV uses advanced machine learning capabilities and data analysis to proactively identify and counter dangerous malware signatures before they infect your system.

6. HTTPS Secure Browsing

Businesses should only browse HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) websites. HTTPS uses TLS to encrypt HTTP requests and responses. This modern form of site encryption combats malware code injections from fake websites and is another way to ensure safe data transmissions.

Protect Your Company From Malware with Managed IT Services

One of the most effective ways to prevent malware attacks is to harden all layers of your IT infrastructure. Qualified Managed IT service providers enable companies to offload all aspects of their security planning, including hardware security, network configurations, and disaster recovery planning, to trusted industry experts who can advise on all aspects of effective cybersecurity.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 27, 2019, and has been updated for accuracy and current best practices.

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